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WatersafeŽ Do-It-Yourself Water Testing Kits FREE SHIPPING

Potential Health Effects
Testing Product
Corrosion of household plumbing systems; erosion of natural deposits.

Causes developmental harm, neurological and kidney damage.

WatersafeŽ Lead Test Kit
WatersafeŽ Lead Instructions

WatersafeŽ Lead Test Kit
Price: $9.95

Toxic lead can leach from pipes and fixtures and contaminate the water used for cooking, washing and drinking in your household.
Many homes and buildings have pipes and plumbing fixtures that contain lead. Lead can leach from pipes into household water, making this plumbing a major source of water contamination and a potential source of lead poisoning. Lead is so toxic that even very low levels can be dangerous. Lead consumption and poisoning has been linked to many serious illnesses, especially in young children. Lead can harm mental and physical development and may cause brain abnormalities, kidney damage and hypertension.
As with other water contaminants, the risks of lead damage are much greater for children than for adults -- families should be particularly concerned about the health of the water supply. Consumers should test lead levels at each faucet in the home, especially if the plumbing fixtures could be from the 1980's or older.

Potential Health Effects
Testing Product
Toxic bacteria may enter the water supply from contaminated runoff, human or animal wastes and natural sources.
Strains of E.coli cause illness or death.

WatersafeŽ Bacteria Test Kit
WatersafeŽ Bacteria Instructions

WatersafeŽ Bacteria Test Kit
Price: $9.95

Bacteria is the most likely source of acute water-borne disease.
E. coli Bacteria and other potentially dangerous microbes are commonly found in our environment, but they should not be present in our drinking water. Thousands of cases of bacterial illness occur every year, many of them fatal. Most strains of bacteria are not toxic to humans, but some can cause very serious illness. Even mild cases can result in diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, and other gastrointestinal symptoms. Young children and people with weakened immune systems are more likely to be affected.
Since contaminated water may not taste or smell "bad", most cases of water-borne disease are not likely to be identified as such. The presence of bacteria in drinking water indicates that treatment methods are not working properly and are not adequately removing all viable microbes. When water treatment fails, drinking water may become potentially toxic. Community water systems take steps to disinfect drinking water, but they may not become aware of problems until it's too late.

Potential Health Effects
Testing Product
Runoff from agricultural uses.

Linked to increased cancer rates.

WatersafeŽ Pesticide Test Kit
WatersafeŽ Pesticide Instructions

WatersafeŽ Pesticide Test Kit
Price: $9.95

Pesticides are deadly chemicals used to eliminate weeds, insects and other harmful elements in crops. Their pervasive use, however, has produced its own harm. Thanks to the rampant, unchecked use of pesticides by large industries for decades, it is now very common to find deadly pesticides contaminating our drinking water. Atrazine and Simazine are two of the pesticides most commonly found contaminating water sources.
More than 60 million pounds of these chemicals are introduced into the environment each year as herbicides and left to leak into the soil, groundwater, lakes and rivers that provide the water we drink. They are so toxic that the EPA-mandated maximum level is equivalent to less than one drop in a swimming pool. Certain laws regulate testing of community water supplies, but they are, in practice, rarely abided and community water sources go largely ignored and untested for years. WatersafeŽ brings laboratory-level accuracy within your reach and puts water-quality assurance back in your hands.

Potential Health Effects
Testing Product
Nitrates and Nitrites
From fertilizers and natural waste.

Developmental problems, Blue Baby Syndrome

WatersafeŽ All-In-One Test Kit
WatersafeŽ All-In-One Instructions

WatersafeŽ All-In-One Test Kit
Price: $19.95

Nitrates and Nitrites - These chemicals are a common yet incredibly harmful pollutant especially to children and pets. If infants drinking baby formula or water that contains an elevated level of nitrate or nitrite the baby could die from the disease "methemoglobinema" or "Blue Baby Syndrome". (blue baby syndrome: a pathological condition, in which blood's capacity for oxygen transport is reduced, resulting in bluish skin discoloration in infants; ingestion of water contaminated with nitrates )
Current research suggests that long-term exposure to nitrates in drinking water may cause the development of cancer. When animal and human wastes or field fertilizers come into contact with water, they show up as nitrates and nitrites. Both are serious contaminants because they affect the very core of human life - birth and the development of young life. In 1992, when the survey was released, some 22,500 infants drinking domestic well water were estimated to be exposed to levels of nitrates exceeding the EPA safe drinking water limits; for community systems, the number was estimated to be 43,500 infants.

Potential Health Effects
Testing Product
Added to prevent the growth of bacteria and microorganisms in water.
By-products can increase cancer risk; bad taste and smell.

WatersafeŽ Chlorine/Hardness/pH Test Kit
WatersafeŽ Chlorine/Hardness/pH Instructions

WatersafeŽ Chlorine/Hardness/pH Test Kit
Price: $9.95

Chlorine - Chlorine chemically bonds with proteins in the hair, skin and scalp. Hair can become rough and brittle and lose color. Skin can dry out with itchy, flaky scalp occurring. Chlorine can aggravate sensitive areas in the eyes, nose, throat and lungs. Chlorine combines with organic substances forming Trihalomethanes including Chloroform.

Potential Health Effects
Testing Product
pH is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions.
Can cause heavy metal (lead) leaching; plumbing damage.

WatersafeŽ Chlorine/Hardness/pH Test Kit
WatersafeŽ Chlorine/Hardness/pH Instructions

WatersafeŽ Chlorine/Hardness/pH Test Kit
Price: $9.95

pH - pH is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration of the water. Drinking water with a pH of between 6.5 and 8.5 is generally considered satisfactory. If the acidity of your water is too high, corrosion can cause lead to leach out from pipes and plumbing, contaminating your drinking water and damaging your water supply system and water heater., particularly if the pH is below 6. Alkaline waters are less corrosive. Waters with a pH of above 8.5 may tend to have a bitter or soda like taste. The pH of water may have an effect on the treatment of water. 

Potential Health Effects
Testing Product
Water hardness is primarily caused by calcium and magnesium compounds. These compounds are not easily detected, but the numerous negative effects can be unpleasant and costly.

Scale build-up may eventually damage plumbing and water heaters.

WatersafeŽ Chlorine/Hardness/pH Test Kit
WatersafeŽ Chlorine/Hardness/pH Instructions

WatersafeŽ Chlorine/Hardness/pH Test Kit
Price: $9.95

Hardness - Calcium and magnesium dissolved in water are the two most common minerals that make water "hard." The degree of hardness becomes greater as the calcium and magnesium content increases. Hard water interferes with almost every cleaning task from laundering and dishwashing to bathing and personal grooming.  Clothes laundered in hard water may look dingy and feel harsh and scratchy. Dishes and glasses may be spotted when dry. Hard water may cause a film on glass shower doors, shower walls, bathtubs, sinks, faucets, etc. Hair washed in hard water may feel sticky and look dull. Water flow may be reduced by deposits in pipes.

Potential Health Effects
Testing Product
Corrosion of household plumbing systems; erosion of natural deposits.

Short-term: vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps
Long-term: Liver or kidney damage.

WatersafeŽ Copper Test Kit
WatersafeŽ Copper Instructions

WatersafeŽ Copper Test Kit
Price: $6.95

Copper is a reddish metal that occurs naturally in rock, soil, water, sediment, and air. Its unique chemical and physical properties have made it one of the most commercially important metals. Since copper is easily shaped or molded, it is commonly used to make pennies, electrical wiring, and water pipes. Copper compounds are also used as an agricultural pesticide, and to control algae in lakes and reservoirs.
Copper also occurs naturally in plants and animals. It is an essential element for all known living organisms, including humans. However, very large single or long-term intakes of copper may harm your health.

Because copper exhibits these harmful health effects, and because drinking water may be a significant route of exposure to copper, it is important to know how much copper is in your drinking water. You may find that there is a metallic taste in your drinking water before copper levels are high enough to cause adverse health effects. You may also notice blue or bluegreen stains around sinks and plumbing fixtures. The only way to be certain of the copper level in your drinking water supply is to have the water tested.

Potential Health Effects
Testing Product

Iron is a non-hazardous elements that can be a nuisance in a water supply.

The regulations regarding iron  in drinking water was established because of nuisance problems and aesthetic concerns. 

WatersafeŽ Iron Test Kit
WatersafeŽ Iron Instructions

WatersafeŽ Iron Test Kit
Price: $6.95

Iron can affect the flavor and color of food and water. It may react with tannins in coffee, tea and some alcoholic beverages , which affects both taste and appearance.
Iron will cause reddish-brown staining of laundry, porcelain, dishes, utensils and even glassware. Soaps and detergents do not remove these stains, and use of chlorine bleach and alkaline builders (such as sodium and carbonate) may intensify the stains.
Iron deposits will build up in pipelines, pressure tanks, water heaters and water softeners. This reduces the available quantity and pressure of the water supply. Iron accumulation becomes an economic problem when water supply or water softening equipment must be replaced. There also are associated increases in energy costs from pumping water through constricted pipes or heating water with heating rods coated with iron deposits.

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