The figures in this table are approximate.
The actual power consumption of your household
appliances may vary significantly from the figures in
this chart. Before you do a final load
calculation for your household, we strongly recommend
checking the tags and owners manuals for your appliances
to get precise figures. A clamp-on ammeter will also
measure your amperage draw. A digital multi-meter
and clamp-on type ammeters are helpful tools to know
where your power is being used. Even if you are not
producing your own power, these meters are essential
diagnostic tools.
Multiply the hours used on the average day by the
wattage listed below. This will give you the watt hours consumed per day. Remember that
some items, such as garage door openers, are used only for a fraction of an hour
or minute per day. A 300 watt item used for 5 minutes per day will only consume
25 watt hours per day.
Where a range of numbers are given, the lower
figure often denotes a technologically newer and more efficient model. Items
marked (n/a) would normally be replaced by non-electric equivalents in homes
using alternative energy systems.