Good For Your Clothes
Your washing
machine spins at 500 revolutions per
minute, then you place your washing on
the line to dry.
Although your
washing feels fairly dry when it is
removed from your washing machine, it
still contains a great deal of soap,
detergents and water with minerals. You
have to wait for a day of fine weather to
dry several washings in the open air. In
the airing room, each load may require up
to 7 hours drying time. Should you live
in a climate of high humidity, this could
even take longer, limiting your activity
for the day.
Advantages Of The Spin X Spin Dryer:
This spin dryer has
a super speed of 3,300 RPM, and will save
you more than half the drying time, by
removing 50% or more of the water and
soap deposits left in your clothes by
your washing machine. You can take
advantage of this shorter and favorable
drying time, and be more independent in
the way you plan your day. This will save
you Energy and the cost of this Energy.
Your washing machine spins at 500
revolutions per minute, then you place
your clothing in the clothes dryer.
Despite the
relative speed of your washing machine, 8
lbs. of wash after being removed from
your washing machine, will contain as
much as 1/2 gallon of water and soap
deposits that the Spindryer can remove.
In order to dry that much water, your
clothes dryer has to tumble the washing
for a considerable period of time, while
drying it with hot air. This extended
period of drying time costs time and
money, not to mention the excessive mineral, soap and
detergent deposits that
are dried into your clothing.
Advantages Of The Spin X Spin Dryer:
This Spindryer has
a remarkable super speed of 3,300 RPM,
and in a short period of time will remove
50% or more of the water and soap
deposits left in your clothes by your
washing machine. Your clothes are tumbled
in the dryer for a short period of time, saving you time and
Energy, giving you softer
clothing, and saving you money at the
same time.